A conference speaker, teacher of the Word of God and prophet. Also a registered Quantity Surveyor and retired top civil servant. I am the founding Director of Jerub- Baal Generation and author of ELEVEN Bible based books. I am married to Rose Nabwana Sikuku and blessed with four Nations namely Roy, lan & Susan, Amy and Job and a proud grandfather of Kai and Tetu.
These are principles that guide our vision and mission. They help ensure that we are aligned around the guiding philosophy to serve team members, partners, and the broader community..
About the Book..
The author provides an engaging elucidation of how one can take root downward and bear fruit upward. Inheriting the mountain encompasses three pivotal steps- Come; Ask and; Receive. As the readers journey through the book, they encounter three key words which provides the sum and substance of taking the root downward the Mountain- Obey; Love and; Serve. The author poses thought-provoking and life-changing inquiries.
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Wake Up O YE Jerub-Baal Generation unfolds a very impactful story in which our faithful and merciful God did not give up on His people in spite of their sinful nature. The story we find in Judges chapters 6, 7 & 8, relives of how Gideon the mighty warrior and face of the LORD’s army- Jerub-Baal Generation came to terms with the 9 sleeping sicknesses in the winepress; How Gideon hearkened to the 9 wake up calls of God and left the winepress; How Gideon walked in the 9 supernatural strengths as well as put the 9 kingdom keys to work and saved Israel out of Midian’s hand- the God purpose of his life and; How ultimately Gideon ate of the 9 favor fruits.
It is now your appointed time o ye mighty warrior and face of the Lord’s army- To come to terms that the enemy while taking advantage of your sinful nature has injected 9 sleeping sicknesses of bitterness, meanness, stiff-nakedness, fearfulness, prayerlessness, selfishness, unawareness, unbelievingness and ungratefulness into your spirit; To hearken to the 9 wake up calls of God and pursue the God purpose of your life through the 9 supernatural strengths and 9 kingdom keys and; To eat thereof the 9 favor fruits as- second chance, forgiveness of sin, reaching out to the lost souls, faith in God, being more than a conqueror, renewed mind, being thankful to God; blessed to be a blessing and the 9 honor package of provision, presence of God, peace, promotion(exaltation), family, fruitfulness, prosperity, healing and long life.
When God sees a man or woman whose heart fully trusts His promises and lives by them, God comes to strongly support that saint (2 Chronicles 16:9) and manifests Himself to him or her: “Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”
The writer uses vivid and practical episodes in the life of God’s prophet Elijah to show the reader how using simple faith, we move from nothingness to a sign of a small cloud, to abundance of rain. Building on the power of small things, the prerequisite to nationwide reconciliation and experience of abundance is explained through critical ingredients that include:
• The imperative of drawing near to God;
• The significance of building and rebuilding relationships;
• The importance of annihilating the idols of the heart;
• The satisfaction of giving out of need; and
• The power of praying fervently and effectively.
The basis of the Book is the story of the lame man at the temple gate in Acts chapter 3 and from which, a parallel is drawn with Abraham, the four lepers, the widow of Zarephath, Mordecai and the 38-year-old cripple at their respective gates.
Biblically, gates meant much more as: They were market centres from where business transactions took place; They were courts of justice; They were residential places for kings and officials; They were redemption grounds for widows and land; They were communication centres from which prophets proclaimed the messages from God.
Gates were places of opportunities. From Genesis to Revelation, lives were impacted at Gates. Destinies changed at gates. For instance, the man born lame walked into his destiny at the temple (beautiful) gate to the amazement of many who knew him before and after miracle. At which gate are you? The Book speaks to us and more importantly enables the reader to walk to his or her destiny through: The Hospitability Gate as Abraham and others did; The Never Give Up Gate as the Four Lepers and others did; The Obedience Gate as the widow of Zarephath and others did; The Uncompromising Gate as Mordecai and others did; The Waiting Gate as the 38-year-old cripple and others did.
The Book based on Isaiah chapter 43 speaks to us through the lives of the Samaritan woman, Isaac, Job, Joseph and Queen Esther. The Oxford Dictionary defines the word behold as see or observe. Behold entails perceiving through sight. It implies that God expects you and I to perceive the new thing while still on the old page of: Thirsts as was the Samaritan woman; Famine as was Isaac; Losses as was Job; Cast down and forgotten as was Joseph the son of Jacob; Storms-troubles as were the Israelites during Queen Esther’s times
Whereas God desires to move you to a new page and therefore give you a new thing, He wants you to cooperate with Him as follows: He desires that you recognize Him- as LORD the Holy One; as the Creator; as the King and as the Miracle Worker; He desires that you make a decision not to remember or consider former or old things; He desires that by faith, you perceive the new thing; He desires that you move from mere hearer of the word to the doer of the same - which ushers you into the new thing; He desires that you declare His praise.
Through the Book, you will come to realization that partnership between God and yourself will lead to manifestation of the new thing. The new thing in this regard being the five level C-wide five revivals encompassing the champion; congregation, community, city or country and church universally manifesting in Prosperity; Restoration; Elevation; Shalom.
The Book based on the life of Jonah also speaks to us with examples drawn from the lives of David, Naomi, Samson, the prodigal son and Simon Peter. We are born into the fallen nature of Adam and at different times, we come to the saving grace of our LORD Jesus Christ. However, as children of God, we are still subject to time realities of life which may cause us to stumble and fall.
The Book takes us through the fall the rise accounts of Jonah, King David, Naomi, Samson, the prodigal son and Simon Peter and from the fruits of their rises, we can always bounce back from any fall- The Ninevites heeded to the word, returned to the LORD in repentance; Jedidiah was born and later became King of Israel; Obed born to Ruth was father of Jesse who became father to King David; Araunah altar pointed to the real altar at Calvary; Despite the fact that Samson died, the Big Picture was of Deliverance and was realized; David pursued and recovered all they lost at Ziklag and over time; The prodigal son upon coming back to his senses and returning to his father was restored to the sonship position in the family; Simon Peter became the head of the early Church.
A New Song is given to either an individual or a group of individuals but is always preceded by a state of hopelessness - weeping or crying. As God turns our nights into days, our weeping into joy, we spontaneously burst into new songs to His praise, as was the case of;
Four Living Creatures and the Twenty-Four Elders
• Moses
• King David
• Mary the mother of Jesus Christ
• The Israelites on Mount Carmel during Elijah’s time.
Based on the activities on Mt. Carmel, a new song is dictated to by five major elements, namely;
• The will of God
• The presence of God
• The prophetic declaration
• Separation and waiting on God
• Vision and its implementation
The critical amongst the five elements above is the will of God as melody (tune) is to music. The climax of all little new songs will be one song, The Salvation song to be sung around the Throne by the Four Living Creatures; The Twenty-Four Elders; Thousands upon Thousands of angles and a great multitude from all nations, tribes, people and tongues. Will you be part of the Great multitude on the last day?
Church under siege is not just a book about a church in captivity but also a church that eventually is redeemed ushering in good news hence the statement the day of good news. It highlights what the church is or at least ought to be, by digging deeper into a clear Biblical pattern for the values that ought to drive the local church, and the practical results that those values show according to the book of Acts Chapter 2:42-47.
The book systematically tackles the darts the devil has used to keep the church today under siege using strategic Biblical excerpts and has identified these darts as the darts of seduction, sleep, nakedness, blindness, captivity, busybodyism and hopelessness. It goes forth to highlight that the day of Good News, the times of liberation, rejoicing, restoration, freedom for the church is here and through repentance, obedience to God and authority, showing mercy to each other, seeking God for help in prayer, getting rid of our idols, believing in God’s Word, waiting on Him no matter how long it takes and being the carrier of good news among other points.
The author of Proverbs in chapter 20 verse 5 says, “The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out” and the book is predicated upon this scripture. From this scripture, it is a man of understanding who lives the fivefold purpose, which the author equates to deep waters in his heart as deposited therein by God. God blessed each one of us - to be fruitful; to multiply; to fill the earth; to subdue the earth and; to have dominion over creation. Before the events of Genesis chapter three set in, man (male & female) drew out the deep waters out of their hearts and lived the five God given purposes.
The book reveals powerful keys that are critical for man to draw out these deep waters and live out his God ordained mandate. Starting from the need to jump out of the box and forsake the comfortable, to the imperative of releasing what you have in your hand to give room for the great, to the necessity of putting all your talents, gifts and abilities to work, to securing your battle through both the offensive and defensive armory, and finally to releasing praise and hallelujah to the Lord.
In a simple, captivating and with mesmerizing storytelling, Charles Sikuku invites readers into his world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped him—from his dramatic childhood in the remote village of Chemululuchi western Kenya to his years as a top Government executive balancing the demands of fatherhood, work, and ministry. With breathtaking wit, he describes his triumphs and disappointments, his gains and misses both public and private, telling his full story as he has lived it—in his own words and on his own terms.
As you read the book, you will find it easy to connect with him, walk with him through his journey of life, and visualize everything as if you were part of that life. This book is a very personal story told in a very candid approach. It is the story of a boy with a big dream. It is the story of one man's life with an unstoppable ambition. His introspective quality is evidenced as he tells of his early childhood and how it shaped his dreams.
This book written in an easy language but with a lot of depth discusses the prevalent fathers in our days and the fathers our society yearns for. Most importantly though, it demonstrates how you can be a responsible father worthy of emulation through; Working with your own hands to earn income for your family; Practicing openness to earn your family trust; Honoring Christ as a testimony that you honor our Father in heaven; Providing necessities of life for your family and other needy people; Managing risks and uncertainties; Promoting oneness; Envisioning by developing plans together with your family, implementing them and waiting patiently on God for their maturation; Witnessing the saving grace of Christ to your family; Keeping watch in hope together with your family for the second coming of Jesus Christ; Equipping your family with requisite knowledge to make the right decisions in life; Disciplining to return your family to the way of bearing much fruit in life; Motivating your family to keep them focused on their goals in life; Loving your family and nurturing friendship with them as your first line of social capital; Resolving conflicts in your family for peaceful co-existence; Forgiving and bearing with your family; Praying without ceasing for yourself and your family and waiting patiently on God; Fathering fathers by blessing your family in the races marked out for them and watching over your family as they run their races in the kingdom; and finally understanding that your presence as a father is expected to be felt all times.
Jerub-Baal Publications are produced with the sacred purpose of raising men and women that are as “bold as a lion”, fearless, confident, and relentless in the pursuit of purpose, those with the conviction that what they are doing is what they are supposed to be doing.
Inspired by the story of Gideon who later was renamed Jerub-Baal, these men and women are “on purpose”, pursuing the destiny that they were created for and dedicating their lives without compromise to furthering the Gospel and God’s Kingdom.
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